20 Questions to Ask at Networking Events

By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

20 Questions to Ask at Networking Events

A networking event is the best place to make new connections to bolster your business support system, but it can be intimidating to navigate. It can be hard to know what to say or what to ask people to make and fortify those connections. But there’s no need for you to trial-and-error what to say because I’ve compiled this handy list of top twenty questions to ask in order to begin making and strengthening strong networking relationships. 

Occupation Questions

It’s important to engage in small talk with someone you’re hoping to initiate a networking relationship with, so you can understand what they do and how you could potentially help each other. 

Here are some questions I like to ask…  

  1. What do you do?

  2. How long have you been doing it?

  3. Do you work alone, or with a team?

  4. Are you working on any exciting projects right now?

  5. What do you enjoy about your job?

Career Path/Training Questions

Understanding the career path or training path that a person took to get the job they currently hold can reveal a lot about their work. This can be especially helpful if you’re interested in working in that field or learning more about the market patterns of the field. 

I like to ask…

  1. How did you get into this field?

  2. What kind of education/training did you get in order to break into this field?

  3. What has your career path been like to date? Would you describe it as representative of most people in your current position?

  4. What are the future prospects like in your field? 

  5. What trends or innovations do you see developing in your field over the next few years? 

Current Position and Responsibilities Questions

Understanding the position someone occupies can teach you about the field they’re in, and can provide you with insight on what you both might be able to offer each other in order to cement your business relationship. 

Try asking…

  1. What does a typical day/week in your job look like?

  2. What do you enjoy the most about your work? The least?

  3. What skills have you found to be essential in your occupation?

  4. What are the main challenges you face in your position?

  5. What advice would you have liked to have heard when you were starting out in your position?

Aid Questions

In addition to asking for basic contact information, I find it helpful to ask questions about how your relationship could benefit them and you. Asking these kinds of questions makes you seem proactive and like a good asset, which will encourage the other person to make an effort to include you in their network. 

Try asking…

  1. Do you need a sounding board for any new ideas?

  2. Are you looking for contacts in my field? If so, let me put you in contact with… 

  3. Are you in need of any resources I might be able to provide you?

  4. Do you have recommendations for me, or for my position in my field?

  5. Is there anyone you would recommend I talk to next? When I contact them, may I mention that you referred me?

The Takeaways

Let’s recap… 

When talking with someone at a networking event, remember to ask questions about…

  • Their general occupation

  • Their career path

  • Their current position and the responsibilities of it

  • How you can help each other

By asking these kinds of questions, you are able to learn about their position and how you both might be a benefit to each other. While leading you halfway to making a networking connection. 

The other half? The follow-up! I cannot stress how important it is to reach out to the person you spoke with within 24 hours of your meeting. Make that connection stick!

And, as always…

Happy Connecting!