Network without "Networking"

By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

Network without “Networking”

Sometimes, and this may come as a shock to those who know me, I don’t feel like networking. Cue the gasps! As an ambivert, there are times when I reach my socialization quota, and can’t bring myself to go to another conference or group meeting.  So, when I need a break from networking in the traditional sense - attending a meeting or a group and having to have professional conversations - I rely on other methods. I basically network without the “networking” bit, without all the posturing and professionalism. If you find yourself maxed out on networking events too, you’re in luck! There are plenty of options for networking without the hard part. Here are some of my favorite ways to network, ways that don’t require the “networking” part. 

Alumni Associations

Connecting with professionals and business owners from your alma mater has never been easier! Alumni associations are foaming at the mouth to get young alumni professionals connected, both with each other and with current students. Who knows? Maybe while you’re reminiscing on your days lounging on the quad or cramming for finals in the library, you’ll find your next client, connection, or employee!

Happy Hours

No-fuss networking, with the added benefit of a nice glass of wine! What could possibly be better? Going to happy hours frequented by business professionals can be a great way to forge connections in a fun, low-stakes environment. 

Interest Groups

Attending interest-based groups can be a great way to make connections in a variety of fields through the medium of a shared interest! Maybe you’re secretly passionate about crochet, or Jane Austen books, or whiskey. Whatever your interest, there’s likely a group out there for you. Joining a club or creative jam that focuses on that interest will lead to a group of people from many different backgrounds, all with whom you can forge connections through your interest or hobby!

Community Events

Finding local community events can be a great way to meet new people and grow your network. Your local library, maker space, or co-working space might be holding an event that is perfect for low-stakes networking. Can’t find any events that way? Try finding local (and often free) events through sites like Meetup or Eventbrite–– they’re great resources for making networking connections!


You don’t have to always network in a super professional environment. There are also tons of opportunities to network without all the fuss! So, if you’re ever feeling burned out with networking, think about trying one of these “networking” options! And, as always…

Happy Connecting!