3 Ways to Empower Women in Business


By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

3 Ways to Empower Women in Business

Whether you work in a corporate environment, or for yourself, it may be difficult to find ways to empower women in business. It’s hard enough when society expects for you to do it all, or the opposite, expects you to stay home. Whatever the reason you’re in business, here are 3 things you can do to empower yourself and other women:

  1. Invest in helping other women.

“Real Queens fix each other’s crowns.” -Anonymous 

Invest time in helping that new female coworker learn the ins and outs of your company. Donate to, or fundraise for, nonprofits that support women in business. It’s always a good idea to help other Queens fix their crowns - it helps to increase your network, and when you increase your network, you increase your net-worth.

  1. Inspire with your presence.

“Chin up, shoulders back. Let’em know you’re here.” - Ian Bohen

When you empower yourself to show up as the Queen that you are, you set an example for other Queens. Confidence and a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) are contagious. So, whenever possible, approach others and spark conversation that leaves a great impression. Always bring value to the table, so that if you are not present, you are missed. When other Queens see you being your fabulous self, it will inspire them to follow suit. 

  1. Connect women to each other.

“Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller

Connecting women within your network to each other strengthens your connections. Is your co-worker having trouble with their supervisor? Introduce them to Susan in Human Resources. Do you have a friend who is a personal stylist and another one who makes jewelry? Introduce them to each other, and see how they help each other’s businesses grow! Providing the women around you with the people and tools they need to succeed, will increase your net-worth in countless ways.

When you invest, inspire, and connect with, other women, you end up empowering them and yourself. 

Now that you are equipped with advice and quotes to live by, get out there, Queen. Create, feel, and experience the power of being a woman in business!

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