Top 5 Tips to Networking by Building Relationships


By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

Top 5 Tips to Networking by Building Relationships

Networking means meeting new people and exchanging business cards. But simply exchanging cards, and praying people call you back, isn’t enough to create a strong network that helps your business grow. To truly “turn your network into your net-worth,” you have to make sure to follow up with the people you connect with, and who add value to your life and business.

If you need some tips on how to network effectively, click here to watch a video with my tips to network effectively.

Here are my top 5 tips to networking by building relationships:

1. Build true connection.

Share articles that will interest them. Send them emails or messages to check in every couple of months. But it’s not enough to build a business relationship on social media alone. So schedule video calls or coffee dates to establish that personal connection. You never know what opportunities can open up to you, or your network, through this connection.

2. Be genuine.

Remember back when you were nervous you wouldn’t make friends on the first day of school? What was that advice your parents or caregivers gave you? “Just be yourself.” This holds true for business relationships as well. Accept and present yourself as you truly are. And accept others as they are, especially if you made a personal connection or share similar values and goals.

3. Be a giver, and make sure it’s mutual.

Bring value to all of your business interactions. When you want to cultivate a business relationship, make sure to give before you receive. Also, make sure that you tap into your network for help when you need it. Relationships (business and personal) are a two-way street.

4. Practice community over competition.

I wrote a whole blog post about it here. The idea is putting relationships above the bottomline. Expressing gratitude to those who help you. And helping others succeed with you. Not only will this help individuals in your network, but everyone will succeed together.

5. Diversify your network.

Having people in your network who do what you do is extremely valuable. But it is just as important to make connections outside of your professional circle. Why? Because these are potential clients, or they can help you expand your network beyond your peers and current clientele.  

As important as it is to show up at networking events and meet new people. It’s just as important to nurture the business relationships that you already have. To sum up, in order to build a strong network, you must: build true connection; be genuine; be a giver; practice community over competition; and diversify your network. If you follow these tips, then you will start building those relationships you need to turn your network into your net-worth.

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