Add Value to Your Network

By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

Add Value to Your Network

Building a valuable network takes a lot of time and effort. I know that I struggled with making my network the most beneficial it could be when I first started networking. Luckily, I’ve done the whole trial-and-error bit so you don’t have to! 

Here are three simple steps to adding value to your network:

1. Give

Generosity will always pay off. If you do someone a good turn, they’re more likely to help you in the future. 

You can give by: 

  • offering time or advice

  • sharing a resource 

  • teaching a useful skill 

Your giving will eventually make you an integral part of someone else’s network. This gives you the opportunity to learn from others and forge strong relationships with your networking connections.

2. Connect

You’d be surprised at how simple and how overlooked this step is. To maintain a healthy connection with your network, you have to actively engage with the people in your network: 

  • congratulate them on their victories 

  • connect them to others who you think might be beneficial to their network

  • engage with their social media 

  • send them a simple “hello” when you think of them 

Healthy relationships require constant maintenance, and networking connections are no exception. Make sure you check in with your connections, so you stay front-of-mind.

3. Receive

This one can be the hardest. It’s important to remember that you aren’t an island. Your business doesn’t exist in a vacuum. So, when someone asks if you need help with something, say “yes!” Accept advice, connections, resources, anything! Your business isn’t something that you succeed in by yourself. So teach yourself to receive. If you teach yourself to accept help from others, you’ll be better positioned for personal success, and you’ll strengthen your relationships with those offering aid. 

People like to help people, so when your help is rejected, that stings. Don’t jilt anyone in your network by rejecting aid–– instead, get good at accepting and saying “thank you.” This will go miles in creating a strong, valuable network. 

In short, in order to add value to your network, just remember to give, connect, and receive. And, as always…

Happy Connecting!