Shift Your Mindset About Networking

By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

Shift Your Mindset About Networking

Networking can be tough. You have to find an event close by that fits into your schedule, then you have to put it into your calendar, choose an outfit that is appropriate, and figure out other logistics. Or, you have to reach out to people and cultivate business relationships that may or may not turn out to be profitable. Those things can be a real drag if your networking mindset is fixed on the negative.

Here’s a little secret I’ve learned from years of being in business for myself: Networking is necessary in order for your business to succeed. So, if you find that networking’s more trouble than it’s worth, read on. 

Let’s identify some of some fixed negative mindsets, and work together to create a more positive networking mindset

Mindset Shift #1

From this…

Here are some thoughts that reinforce negative perceptions of networking: 

  • “Networking is so fake.”

  • “The purpose of networking is using a person for personal gain.”

  • “What is the point of networking if someone doesn't have a job opportunity already available for me?”

To this…

Instead, let’s challenge those negative perceptions with the following:

  • “Networking is an opportunity to make genuine connections with like-minded individuals.”

  • “The purpose of networking is to see how I can help and add value to my connections.”

  • “You never know what business opportunities can arise from each and every interaction, so treat each conversation as if they have business opportunities available to me.”

Shifting your mindset toward the positive could result in you landing that job opportunity. Finding your authentic self in connecting with others. Or learning that the only way we truly succeed is if we help those in our network do the same.

By offering something before people ask, it shows them that you are open to helping even if you have nothing to gain. It also makes it more likely that they will offer you help or resources in return. When you give, you gain. However, the key is to give without expectations of receiving.

How do you do this? Show your value by sharing resources and tips that could help them in business. Or invite them to an event or activity you would both enjoy. 

I’m not saying that you have to give all the time. As with all types of relationships we create and cultivate, it’s a two-way street. We give without expectation of receiving. But after we’ve built a strong rapport with someone, it is ok to ask for help when you need it. If you’ve managed to build a strong enough relationship with someone, they will be happy to give you what you ask for, or maybe, even more! 

Mindset Shift #2

From this…

Here’s a mindset that can set us up for a lot of unnecessary stress and hardship:

  • “Asking for help is a sign of weakness.”

  • “If I ask for help in my business, it makes me seem like an inadequate businessperson.”

To this…

If the panic of asking for help is rooted in any of the above statements, try shifting to these:  

  • “Asking for help gives my network an opportunity to help me grow.”

  • “I recognize that I need help, and am seeking mentorship to grow as a professional.” 

What happens if you ask for help, and you get no response? Or what if they say, “No”? Business and networking is never personal. It might not be the right time for them to offer help. And it doesn’t mean they won’t be a valuable connection for you. You can try getting a feel for ways they can help before you ask them for help again, that way you can continue to build and strengthen that professional relationship.

Giving and receiving help fortify business relationships and open you up to growing an even larger network. In the process, you also build a strong personal image, and find greater fulfillment in networking. By shifting your ideas of how you can add value to business relationships, you will feel more comfortable making connections without expectations.

Mindset Shift #3

From this…

Now that we’ve broken down most of the negative mindsets surrounding networking that no longer serve you, I have one last (and perhaps the most difficult to challenge) negative mindset to shift:

  • “I don’t have time to network.” 

To this…

I know this one can seem insurmountable, but let’s shift to this more positive mindset:

  • “Networking is essential for the long-term success of my business.”

When investing in networking, you are ultimately investing your time into your business. Despite negative networking perceptions, networking is never pointless. In fact, you never know if a “small chat'' will lead to a deeper conversation that results in a referral for your business.

It may surprise you where a genuine conversation with another professional might go. It could lead to someone offering their services to you for something that your business lacks. It could lead the other way around where your services would be essential to the success of their business.

That is why I think of networking as an art form, a skill to be developed and mastered. It’s only through practice and consistency that we will we be able to maximize our networking efforts. As with most skills, you learn by doing. As successful entrepreneurs, we have put in the time and effort to finetune our networking skills, so we can build the connections that help us move our businesses forward.

If you’ve worked on making time for networking, and still find that time is against you. Here are some quick tips to maximize the time you spend networking:

  1. Schedule follow-up meetings with your new connections all on the same day. Blocking out the day for the purpose of connecting, helps you follow through with these meetings and be fully present to cultivate those important relationships. 

  2. Use project management and/or time management tools to keep you organized. This helps you show up more consistently and make time for the work and connections that really matter.

  3. Consider remote meetings. You can have more meetings in one day if they are virtual rather than in-person. This means that you get more one-on-one time with more people to build stronger connections quicker. Thus, maximizing the time you dedicate to networking.

  4. Don’t be afraid to say no to, or postpone, meetings. Protect your time and energy. If their schedule doesn’t work with yours, reschedule or find a time that works for you and them. And if they don’t seem engaged or interested in speaking with you, let them go.

  5. Be intentional about your connections. Take time to nurture your relationships with professionals who take time to help your business grow.

Alright, Queens, Kings, and Non-Binary Royalty, now that you have some networking tools and mindset shifts, use them to help you turn your network into your net worth! Say “no” to those networking mindsets that keep you stuck, and say “yes” to networking opportunities that will help your business grow!

Happy Connecting!